Connecting kiwis with the least reached

Reach Beyond is part of a global community committed to seeing Jesus known and loved among all people. We are a partner-driven organisation that aims to reach every unreached people group of more than 100,000 individuals giving them ready access to a relevant and life-changing gospel message.

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Beyond borders

We believe that everyone deserves the chance to hear the story of Jesus.  We leverage radio and digital media resources to reach beyond borders, communicating to unreached people groups around the globe.

Beyond words

We believe the Gospel needs to not only be proclaimed, but also demonstrated by serving the needs of unreached people groups beyond just words. We do this through community development and medical outreach projects.

Beyond ourselves

We believe that the best way to fulfill the Great Commission is through empowered partnerships, with churches from sending countries and organizations in receiving areas, to reach beyond

About Us

We exist to mobilise the Body of Christ

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached – specifically the 1900 people groups with a population of 100,000 or more that do not have an indigenous church strong enough to reach their own.

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Reach Beyond is...

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached with the Gospel.