Available in 31 Languages

Reaching the unreached in a visually impacting format.

Free to anyone who wants it

Keeping the SuperBible free aligns with our mission.

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Te Tino Kōrero

Heroes of History

Heroes of History  is a collection of high quality Bible comics that tell the story of the Bible, Genesis to Revelation and with 12 of them focusing on the life of Christ. Reach Beyond NZ has helped to distribute them around the world in  42+ different languages and growing! And all for FREE to anyone who wants them. We have them available on a website and on apps in both iOS (for Apple devices) and Android.

the Name CHange

As many of you will know Heroes of History was called SuperBible. When we started out this was perfect. However, over time the feed back we received told us that having a Bible on your phone in some restricted access Country's may put people in danger. We prayed and sought out advice and came up with Heroes of History. At first glance this is very safe but is also appealing.
We still have many Printed copies under the SuperBible logo and may continue to use this when printing. Please reach out if you would like a copy sent to you.

The story

Through his providence, God led  Art Ayris, a pastor from the US to dream a dream about these comics. He got it all going but needed to be able to distribute them digitally.   That led him to Wandering Sheep CEO Bob Arend who is our digital media manager and app developer extraordinaire. Bob and software engineer Jeremy Nixon developed an app that was able to deliver the comics digitally. Through this relationship he was able to secure the distribution rights to the comics in Te Reo Maori. A dream of ours was to get them translated into Te Reo so we could get them into the prisons. However, to print them and translate them takes money. Again, God did some miraculous things and we were led to Maori Postal Aotearoa (formerly Maori Postal Sunday School). From there God brought us into contact with some very generous supporters and finally to a wonderful translator.  It has been amazing how God brought all these various people and organisations together, in his time and for his glory.

Dawn bLessing for Te Tino Korero

The Te Reo Māori SuperBible

Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? Especially when you see the hand of God move mightily in the process.

On Thursday 14th April, CEO Russell Grainger, staff and board members travelled down to Tauwhare to attend a dawn blessing of the new translation of The Story – “Te Tino Kōrero’. Translated by Dr Tom Roa, Te Tino Kōrero is the first story in the collection of te reo Māori SuperBibles telling the story of the Bible. The first 5,000 comics have been printed and are ready for distribution around Aotearoa.

Through partnerships, we are seeing real impact.

One of the most exciting things is the two new partnerships. One with Maori Postal Aotearoa, who have for a very long time been distributing Bible lessons to prisoners and those in rural communities. The other partnership is with GPH who have been distributing Bible Calendars to prisoners. It is our hope that this partnership will be God’s means of getting these comics in Maori into our prisons.

As word has got out about these comics in Maori we are getting requests from people who work in rural areas who are wanting them to give away and distribute among the people they work with.

These opportunities come about and are only made possible because of the prayers of people like you who are so faithful. It takes approximately $100,000 per annum to pay for the Internet server fees (the equivalent of transmission costs in the old days) and staff costs. Please pray to the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills that funds wil be released to enable this work to continue to flourish.

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Reach Beyond is...

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached with the Gospel.